Retention Score

The Qlearsite Retention Score is a tool that can help organizations better understand and track their employees’ intentions to remain with the company.

Regularly track this metric. Consequently, your organisation can identify potential issues and take steps to address them before they lead to high levels of turnover. Using the Retention score can help organizations maintain a stable and engaged workforce. This means improved overall performance and productivity.

Additionally, by understanding the factors that contribute to employees’ desire to stay with the organisation, managers can take steps to create a positive work environment. Building a culture that supports employee retention.

The Retention Score is based on the responses to the statement:

I plan to still be working at our organisation in 12 months time.

This question is the ‘Stay question.’ 

If you score low in Retention

Low Retention scores are directly indicative of retention issues in your organisation. 

Now that you have validated that there is a retention problem, your goal needs to be identifying root causes.  

Root causes of retention surface through indicators from the Qlearsite Organisational Fitness framework. The most negatively correlated indicator to the Retention score are the Drivers.

Drivers of Retention

Retention score is a complimentary indictor to Organisational Fitness. Correlating this score to Organisational Fitness, generates the Drivers of Retention

As you can see in the example below, the indicators ExperienceListening and Tools are highly correlated with low scoring survey responses. Each of these indicators point to a potential root cause issue for this low scoring group.

Also, depending on the implemented data filters, even more pronounced feedback may surface. For example, filtering by team or department may bring prominent drivers to light. These drivers indicate particular areas of your organisation that require focus.

Drivers of Retention

Consistently monitor the leading Drivers of Retention. Identify the factors that are contributing to high levels of turnover. Then you can take targeted steps to address them. These root causes of retention, can include things like issues with management, lack of career development opportunities, and low job satisfaction.

By regularly monitoring these indicators, organisations can stay ahead of potential issues and take proactive steps to address them. This can include things like implementing training programs for managers, offering career development opportunities, and improving the overall work environment and culture.

Addressing the root causes of retention, organisations can create a positive work environment that supports employee retention, leading to improved performance and productivity.

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