What's the difference between Anonymous and Confidential?
What does ‘confidential’ mean?
When you take a confidential-style survey, your answers are secret but not anonymous. lt’s also known as an ‘attributed’ survey.
Each invited survey respondent gets a unique link sent to them via email, and response data is linked to them as an individual.
For data protection and privacy reasons, we make sure individual feedback can’t be linked back to the person that wrote them. The Qlearsite platform has strict data protection thresholds to ensure that individual privacy is protected while still allowing administrators and managers to explore survey results.
What does ‘anonymous’ mean?
When you take an anonymous-style survey, responses can’t be linked back to the respondent. It’s also known as an ‘unattributed’ survey.
Here, employees are invited to take the survey using a single ‘open' web link (the same URL is used for everyone).