Answering an anonymous survey

Everyone that has been invited to participate in the survey will receive an email from 

You can take the Survey on a computer or on a smart mobile at work or anywhere else, if you prefer. Just make sure you’re using an approved browser.

What happens when clicking on an anonymous survey URL link?

For anonymous surveys, your internal projects team will share a generic link with everyone to complete the survey. Clicking on that generic link will generate a unique ID URL link. Every new click on the generic link will generate a new unique ID URL link. This unique URL will now be your personal URL link to submit answers. Please only share the generic URL link and not the unique URL created on clicking on that link.

What happens if I have shared my anonymous unique URL link with another survey recipient?

If the survey recipient is using a different device to the one used to submit the survey previously they will not be able to view your answers. On clicking on the link a new survey link will be generated and they will be taken to the welcome page on the survey form.

I didn’t receive a survey invitation, what do I do?

First, check your junk mail for an email sent from If it’s not there, please contact your internal Project Team managing the survey to check whether you were included on the distribution.

If you were on the distribution, please contact Qlearsite Support here who will be able to help.

Do I have to do the Survey all at once?

Yes you do. We are unable to save answers when it is an anonymous survey. However, the Qlearsite survey templates are designed to be quick to answer so it won’t take long to get through all the questions. 

Do I need to answer every question?

Survey questions are typically mandatory. The more feedback your organisation gets, the more informed their actions will be. This is your opportunity to make your voice heard and have a say in how your organisation should change and grow. The more answers provided help us build a complete picture of where we are today, and how we can be better tomorrow.

Why can I not review my survey answers?

Clicking on an anonymous survey link from an email generates a new personal unique link with an ID. Every single time you click on the generic link it will create a new unique URL ID. To be able to review your answers you need to ensure that you are accessing the exact same unique ID link when you submitted your survey. The review my answers button will only be visible for survey recipients that are using the exact same unique ID link on the same device and browser used to submit the survey answers.

Why am I able to see another recipient’s survey answers?

For anonymous surveys, a survey recipient will only be able to view your answers if they are using exactly the same device and browser and they have the unique ID generated link. Clicking on the generic link received via email or distributed by the survey projects team will generate a unique URL with an ID. If you share the generated ID URL link with other recipients and they are using the same device and browser to fill in the survey they will be able to view your survey answers. Please only share the generic link sent out not the ID generated link.

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