Frequently Asked Questions when answering a survey

Is it safe for me to say really how I feel?

Yes, absolutely. The survey results are anonymised and your identity is protected.

No individual survey answers will be seen by anyone at your organisation, so you can be assured that everyone has complete confidentiality. All the surveys go directly to us at Qlearsite, a completely independent and separate organisation. Qlearsite have been asked to help distribute and analyse this survey.

Nobody at your organisation will know if you take the Survey unless you tell them. Your organisation will only have access to a summary analysis for groups of people that make it impossible to identify individuals.

The survey may have a few open-ended questions. Your written comments are especially useful – they help explain all of your other answers – but please try not identify yourself or any individual with your comments so we can protect confidentiality.

What will be asked?

Questions that focus on how each of you think about the culture, processes, behaviors and talent at your Organisation and how we might do better in each of these areas. Try your best to answer all of them from your viewpoint, every answer and each individual comment helps build the big picture.

How long will it take?

It’s easy to complete and quite short; it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes of your time, depending on the questions being asked.

Why are we doing this?

Your opinions matter. This survey is a vital form of feedback that helps your Organisation achieve their goals.

Will any actions be taken after the results?

The Teams at your Organisation will be analysing and using the results to find opportunities to make improvements.

What will my manager see?

Managers won’t have any way to see your specific answers or views at any time – during the survey or after it closes or when results are released. They won’t get any information about individuals. Depending on how your Organisation has set-up the survey, there can be rare situations where it will be possible to identify if an individual has participated, but your responses and opinions will remain protected. 

What’s going to be done with the results?

The survey was designed so that your Organisation can identify ways to improve. Results will be used to help them understand how they can improve the working experiences and maximise sustainable growth as a business.

Results will be saved to the Qlearsite database which cannot be accessed by anyone outside of Qlearsite.

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