Decision Making Score

The Decision Making indicator is a measure of how consistently and aligned your organization’s decision-making processes are perceived by employees. This can include factors such as the clarity and transparency of decision-making criteria, the involvement of employees in the decision-making process, and the level of support and resources available for implementing decisions. A high level of decision making indicates a strong, cohesive organization where employees are confident in the direction and priorities of the organization, and are able to contribute to and support decision making processes.

Decision Making Score

Better decision making is linked to improved transparency, accuracy, and scalability within your organisation. The Qlearsite Decision Making Score can help you pinpoint how your employees respond to decision making efforts in your organisation. The Decision Making attribute intersects the Value Driver: Agility and the Organisation Lever: Process. For many organizations the Innovation Score is the metric that has the highest visibility.

The Decision Making Question

Decisions are made with consistency, aligned to strategy and made with clear rationale that is understood by all.

Survey responses to this question helps illustrate if decisions in your organisation are made with consistency, aligned to strategy and made with clear rationale that is understood by all.

A High Decision Making Score

Fantastic! A strong Decision Making Score will help boost your overall Organisational Fitness Score. High Decision Making scores indicate organizations that have a clear strategy and mission and buy-in from team members. You may want to:

• Check the Themes that are most prominently correlated to this high-scoring attribute

• Capture some comments that capture how your organisation is responding positively to this attribute.

A Low Decision Making Score

If you score low in Decision Making, it could indicate leadership issues or communication factors in your organization. Rapid organisational growth is sometimes associated with a reduced Decision Making score as processes fall out of step with previous workflows. The first step is to find out more about what people are saying with regards to Decision Making.

• What are the Themes that are correlated to Decision Making in the responses?

• Are there any comments that are indicative of issues?

• Can any identifiable root causes of Decision Making issues be observed in the responses?

Create Actions as you discover findings for further analysis and review.

Find out more about Decision Making in your organisation by using a Decision Making Deep Dive survey to quantify Inclusion further. This Deep Dive survey addresses four areas of Decision Making: Consistent, Aligned, Simple and Balanced. By listening to your employees in this targeted survey, you will be able to more thoroughly examine the details about Decision Making in your organisation.

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